Energy Data Gallery

This gallery of data sources is a demonstration site for NOAA, NASA, and DOE staff who are working together to bring climate-relevant data to utility managers. The site's goal is to provide utility companies with access to climate data they can use in building climate resilience. If you have feedback on what categories should be included, or specific data sources that are useful for resilience planning, please submit comments to [email protected].


Long-term Projections - Decades into the Future
screenshot of interface

Enter a city, county, or zip code of interest. Under Mean Daily Maximum Temperature, click Monthly. Interact with the graph by adjusting the time slider.

screenshot of days > 95

Enter a city or county of interest. Under Temperature, select Days with Maximum Above 95°F. View the graph or map for available decades by adjusting the time slider.

screenshot of interface

Enter a city or county of interest. Under Other, select Cooling Degree Days. Adjust the time slider on the graph or map to view by decade.

screenshot of interface

Visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise, including simulations of how future flooding might impact local landmarks. Access data related to water depth, flood frequency, and mapping confidence.

screenshot of interface

Enter a city or county of interest. Under Precipitation, select Days with Precipitation Above 1 inch. Adjust the time slider on the graph or map to view by decade.

Short-term Forecasts and Outlooks (3 days to 3 months into the future)
Hazard Outlooks

This site shows the chances for Severe Weather and Fire Weather over the next 8 days. Browse a range of information on severe weather events including tornadoes, thunderstorms, winds, and hail.

Excessive rainfall outlook

Risk of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance, from Marginal (2-5%), Slight (5-10%), Moderate (10-15%), or High (>15%).

Hazards Outlook

Every weekday, the Climate Prediction Center releases the U.S. Hazards Outlook highlighting potential hazardous conditions related to temperature, precipitation, and winds for days 8-14 into the future.

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All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Weather is influenced by small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle. The electric power grid can be disrupted by space weather.

Grid of maps showing chances for exceeding heat index values

Chances of exceeding heat index values from 95-115°F over the next 3 to 7 days. Issued twice per day from May 1 through September 30.


Check forecasts for snow, freezing rain, and composite maps and access links for other winter weather topics and discussions.

GMAO Radiance chart

NASA GMAO produces operational weather forecasts out to 15 days from their Global Atmospheric circulation model, including solar irradiance. Note that these forecasts have NOT been assessed for solar resources and may have significant errors.

Monthly Precip Outlook

View monthly maps showing the probability for precipitation ranking in the top, middle, or bottom third of historical observations. Outlooks that favor drier or wetter periods can raise awareness of the potential for changing conditions.

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screenshot of interface

Issued monthly, these long-lead outlooks show the chances for above-, below-, or near-normal temperature and precipitation for three-month periods through the next year.

Drought Outlook

Maps show how conditions related to drought are likely to change over the valid period. Outlooks indicate areas where drought is likely to develop, persist (or worsen), improve, or end. 

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Current Conditions (Weather - Today & Tomorrow)
Daily Streamflow Conditions

Colors indicate current streamflow. Click any region on the site, and then click individual stations to access graphs or raw data on streamflow and precipitation. This display can help water managers judge short-term future supply.

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River Observation Locations

View current and predicted flood status at more than 7,500 gauges in the United States. Click to zoom in on a region, and then roll your cursor over gauge locations to view hydrographs of recent and forecast discharge levels.

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screenshot of interface

The National Water Model (NWM) forecasts streamflow for the contiguous United States. The system models processes such as snowmelt and infiltration to determine how much precipitation forecast by NWS will become runoff, and then simulates discharge levels.

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Headline from site

View historical time series of East Coast winter storms, historical analogues for impending storms, and storm surge estimates from historical analogs.

Current Drought

This weekly map—updated every Thursday—shows experts' assessments of regional conditions related to dryness and drought. The maps focus on broad-scale conditions, so local conditions may vary.

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National Snow Analyses

Maps and animations show snow analyses for 18 regions of the contiguous United States. For specific weather stations, graphs show observed and modeled snowpack to estimate the amount of water stored as snow.

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Screenshot from FIRMS site

NASA Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) provides near real-time global active fire detections from MODIS and VIIRS satellite instruments. Fire data are available within approximately 3 hours of satellite overpass and imagery within 4-5 hours.

screenshot from GFWED

The Global Fire WEather Database (GFWED) integrates different weather factors influencing the likelihood of a vegetation fire starting and spreading.

screenshot from MODIS Land Team

To assess current vegetation status around power lines, access imagery of vegetation canopy greenness from MODIS satellite instruments.

screenshot from energy disruptions site

This map can help identify current and potential threats to energy infrastructure from significant storms and other weather events, flooding, wildfires, and earthquakes. 

screenshot of tool

This satellite mapping interface can display vegetation indices at 1 km resolution. Utility managers can zoom in on the maps to view conditions of vegetation near power lines and other infrastructure. 

Recent Conditions (Last 30 years)
screenshot of interface

Access customized climate data from the Global Historical Climatology Network as well as stations in other data networks. Products include climate normals, daily almanac, first/last dates, graphs, and daily and monthly summaries of temperature, precipitation, snowfall, snow depth, and degree days.

screenshot of sample map

Quick-look maps of recent and historical weather data for any region of the contiguous United States (from Northeast Regional Climate Center).

Daily Normals by Weather Station

Choose an interface to select stations for which you want to view daily normals. Climate Normals are the latest three-decade averages of climatological variables, including temperature and precipitation. Hourly, monthly, and annual normals are also available.

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Windrose example

Find the station ID of a nearby airport weather station and produce windroses showing the range of wind speed and direction measured for any time during the station's period of record. Note that version 2 of the tool will have a map for selecting stations.


Access POWER Project Data Sets such as solar and metorological data sets for support of renewable energy, building energy efficiency, and agricultural needs.

screenshot from NREL solar maps

Access state-level maps of solar photovoltaics and concentrating solar power resource potential for the United States.

screenshot from NSRDB

The National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) is a serially complete collection of meteorological and solar irradiance data sets for the United States and a growing list of international locations.

screenshot of Giovanni output

Giovanni gives users a way to visualize, analyze, and access vast amounts of Earth science remote sensing data, all from within a web browser and without having to download the data. Available datsets include air temperature, heat flux, precipitation, runoff, soil moisture, streamflow, surface temperature, and water storage. Users must register with Earthdata and login to gain full access to available data and services.

Screenshot of groundwater drought indicator

View, compare, or download weekly maps of a range of drought indicators for the contiguous United States from 2003 to the present. Map images are derived from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite data.

Historical Records of Extreme Events

Access records documenting storms and other significant weather phenomena; rare, unusual, weather phenomena; and other significant meteorological events.

The Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) is an integrated database of severe weather records for the United States. Users can search to find records covering a particular time period and geographic region, and download the results as Shapefiles (for GIS), KMZ (for Google Earth), CSV (comma-separated), and XML.

Extreme Events

Access records of heat waves, droughts, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Explore weather records tied or broken for each day of the year, disasters that cost a billion dollars or more, and special reports and indices that characterize extreme events.

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Energy System Vulnerability Tools
screenshot of energy map

Check the location of energy infrastructure, including resources, power plants, transportation networks, and administrative boundaries.

screenshot of energy and storms map

Track significant storms that could potentially impact energy infrastructure. View historical events or real-time storm tracking.

screenshot of energy and flooding vulnerability map

Check where key energy infrastructure assets intersect with FEMA flood hazard zones to judge which assets may be vulnerable to rising sea levels, storm surges, or riverine flooding.

Last modified
Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 11:18